A Look Back at Independence Day Minisessions – Lexington Tween Photographer

Fireworks, sparklers, and flags all come to mind when thinking about Independence Day. This year Ray Davis Photography hosted a minisession event to come Red,White, and Blue inspired. We had our photosession at Boyd’s Orchard in Versailles, KY. If you haven’t been there, I highly suggest it! Right now they have fresh peaches and blueberries! (YUM!) I am personally a blueberry fanatic, although my undying love for blackberries will never fade.
I had the pleasure of photographing 3 lovely tweens this year. We had fun walking down past growing grapes and newly planted pumpkins. We busted out some crazy dance moves, and I found some lovely spots even in the bright sun we had. Each of these girls, are different and unique. Although their sessions were centered along the same theme – their different personalities shone through. I am so glad they took the opportunity to enjoy a minisession with Ray Davis Photography. They grow up so fast.
Ray Davis Photography will be hosting another minisession later this month. This one will be princess-inspired. So bring your little ones out for a day of make-believe with me. Info on minisessions will go up on our Facebook / Instagram first so be sure to like (get notifications) and follow us. We are looking at hosting the minisession in Lexington and Louisville. Hint – if you’ve seen our Instagram feed you already know about the gorgeous prop we’ll be using.
Interested in something a little different. Hit that inquiry button and lets chat over coffee and design your perfect session.