The Simplest Answer is to Act

It’s here! It is finally here! The first official blog post!
Welcome to the BLOG!!!!
You have no idea how long I have been waiting to say that. The blog is here, the website is running, and my business is taking it’s very first steps on to the Internet. TA-DA!
How’d you find us? Maybe you were referred by a friend, stopped by my booth at a recent vendor event, or saw one of your friends tagged on Facebook? I’m glad you’re here! Before we continue, I’d like to personally clear up one very common misconception. I, the owner of Ray Davis Photography, am in fact a WOMAN. It’s okay if you were Misled by the name. Trust me, this is not the first time it has happened, and it certainly won’t be the last! 😉 My family called me “Jessie Ray” growing up, and the “Ray” has just kind of stuck. Combine that with my married name and love for photography… well, I think you’ve got it now.

With that out of the way, I’d now like to get better acquainted with you. Here’s what makes me tick. I am a lover of nature and sustainability – hiking, green-living, and shopping local make me giddy. I have an adorable rescue kitty named Pixel (a name my computer geek husband and I easily agreed upon). I am also a GIANT fan of chiropractic care, but that’s a story for another day. My greatest love (hubby aside), without a doubt, is photography — from the first capture, through the editing process, and to delivery.
My mission is to adorn your walls with beautiful photos of the people in your life you hold most dear. I have been growing my small business around that fundamental value. In the short time since I began, I have had many life-changing moments. I have met wonderful clients and developed even more wonderful friendships. I have had the opportunity to meet others in my field, sharing our experiences and learning from each other. And, let’s not forget about the many other small business owners I’ve met and befriended.
None of this would have even been possible if I hadn’t taken the first steps to start this business. As such, I would like to dedicate this first blog post to those that helped make this a reality – including myself. Yes, sometimes you even have to give yourself credit. No matter what you do, you’ll never get anywhere if you don’t take those initial steps.
Wherever your desires may lie, you will only reach them after you’ve started taking the steps towards them whether it be a career, love, or relationship. However, life doesn’t come without obstacles – and the biggest and most challenging of those obstacles is FEAR. Fear causes you to doubt yourself and your abilities. It stops you in your tracks as you battle with a never-ending series of “what ifs”. Worst of all, fear stops you from realizing your dreams.
Recently, as I mulled over my options and struggled with FEAR – the feeling that I could never succeed if I tried, I opened the ever-so-faithful fortune cookie.
“The simplest answer is to act.”
The message struck me. It was so simple and obvious. Instead of worrying or wondering how I could possibly run my business, I just had to start. I acted upon my passion to do what I love and to share the results of that fervor with all of you. I was able to jump start this business through the aid of Kentucky River Foothills. I also received guidance and counsel from the late Michael Rodriguez, Director of the Eastern Kentucky University Small Business Development Center. I am unsure of where my business would currently stand if I had not received his help as well as his strong belief in my abilities.
We can’t always do everything on our own – no matter how much we wish we could. But even the most daunting of tasks become trivial when you have a few extra hands helping you along the way. Especially when those extra helping hands bring their own tools to help you reach those goals faster – which can vary from personality to experience.
I encourage you as well to take the steps towards your own goals, whatever they may be. For my own personal journey, that means running a successful business and delivering professional-quality work to my clients. From first shutter-click to finish, capture to delivery, I will give my personal best to make my business successful and to create lifetime clients. This means making new friends, learning new techniques, and sharing a lot of laughs along the way.
I would like to invite you along on my journey – to share the stories (mine and of others), the photos, and the memories. You can follow and support me on Facebook and Instagram. If you appreciate the work I do, please let me know. Your kind words keep me going. Your suggestions and support help fuel my continual self-improvement.
Be sure to let me know what you would like to know about me, my business, or any tips and advice – I’m an open book. I love to share and help in any way I can, and I really enjoy teaching others. As you’ll find out, I am also into doing at-home Do-It-Yourself projects — so don’t be surprised if I fill this blog with quite a few creations.
It was a pleasure to introduce myself and my business to you. I look forward to sitting down with you and scheduling your session soon!
‘Til next time,